Screenz Crossmedia Apps

BOOM! Game 58
Screenz Crossmedia
Based on the exciting and explosive TV gameshow, viewers can now play along the show and enjoy Boom!experience with friends and other fans across North America.The Boom! Game app offers viewers two play modes:Play with TV - Play along with the contestants in the studio,during the broadcast, with a true to tv game experience.Play 24/7 - Compete against friends and other fans of the game toenter the leaderboard.
UniNovelas 2.0
Screenz Crossmedia
UniNovelas is a community for Univision'snovela fans. Tune in to your favorite novelas, engage, andparticipate for the opportunity to win prizes.Features:· Opportunity to win prizes by playing games and answeringpolls· Follow social content from your favorite novelas all in oneplace· Find unique content on your favorite characters andstories
Rising Star ABC 2.2
Screenz Crossmedia
Will you raise the wall? Join the new era ofsinging competitions! For the first time ever - see yourself andyour vote count in real time on your TV. Only a wall of Rising Starapp user faces separates each artist from their dream, and yourvote can raise it. This app serves as your judging tool, and putsthe power directly in your hands. Every Sunday night on ABC, youcan decide the fate of each singer before their performance isover. You hold their dreams in your hands as you decide who will bethe next Rising Star.Download the application to become a Home Judge, and raise theRising Star wall, Sundays 9|8c on ABC.
RISING STAR: A Próxima Estrela 1.4
Screenz Crossmedia
Faça parte do júri do Rising Star - APróximaEstrela. Seja uma das pessoas a escolher o destino dos concorrentesdoprograma, semanalmente. O Rising Star – A Próxima Estrela, é omais recente talent show da TVI com transmissão ao domingo à noite.O programa que é umgrande sucesso internacional, conta todas assemanas com várias atuaçõesmusicais em direto.Esta aplicação, desenvolvidaespecialmente para o programa, é aúnica forma pela qual o público pode votar nosconcorrentes e éabsolutamente gratuita.A votação através desta aplicação éainda mais importante do quenoutros formatos de talent shows, pois osconcorrentes são apenasvotados durante a sua atuação.A aplicação do Rising Star éseguramente a melhor experiência deinteratividade alguma vez feita natelevisão portuguesa e deverá serusada por todos os telespectadores doprograma. Descarregue aaplicação, integre o júri do Rising Star - A PróximaEstrela eprepare-se para votar!Keywords: Rising star, rising, star, próxima estrela, estrela,TVI, música, programa tv, televisão, musicalPart of the jury of theRising Star - Star approaches. Be one of the people to choose thefate of contestants for the Programme, weekly. The Rising Star -The Next Star, is the latest talent show TVI broadcast on Sundayevenings. The program is umgrande international success, accountevery week with several atuaçõesmusicais in direct.This application desenvolvidaespecialmente for the program, is theonly way the public can vote nosconcorrentes and is absolutelyfree.Voting through this application éainda more important than in otherformats talent shows because osconcorrentes are only rated fortheir performance.The application of Rising Star éseguramente the best experience ofinteractivity Portuguese natelevisão ever made and should be usedby all viewers for the Programme. Download the application,integrate the jury of the Rising Star - The PróximaEstrela and getready to vote!Keywords: Rising star, rising star, next, star, TVI, music,program, tv, television, musical
Rising Star Greece 2.3
Screenz Crossmedia
Will you raise the wall? Join the new eraofsinging competitions! For the first time ever - see yourselfandyour vote count in real time on your TV. Only a wall of RisingStarapp user faces separates each artist from their dream, andyourvote can raise it. This app serves as your judging tool, andputsthe power directly in your hands. Every Sunday night on ANT1,youcan decide the fate of each singer before their performanceisover. You hold their dreams in your hands as you decide who willbethe next Rising Star.Download the application to become a Home Judge, and raisetheRising Star wall, Sundays 21:00 on ANT1.
Rising Star Indonesia 2.3
Screenz Crossmedia
Ingin menjadi bagian dari era baru kompetisimenyanyi yang inovatif dan interaktif di Indonesia? MemperkenalkanRising Star Indonesia! Untuk pertama kalinya – Kamu dapatmenentukan nasib setiap kontestan untuk meraih mimpi mereka denganmelakukan voting melalui apps dan jadilah saksi tampilnya dirimu dilayar LED yang ada di panggung megah Rising Star Indonesia denganpenghitungan voting yang dapat dilihat secara real time di layarTelevisi! Aplikasi ini merupakan alat pendamping untuk programkompetisi menyanyi Rising Star di RCTI yang berfungsi untukmelakukan vote secara GRATIS, untuk semua pengguna tanpaterkecuali.Download aplikasinya sekarang, vote kontestan favoritmu dan rasakanpengalaman interaktif terbaik saat menyaksikan program Rising StarIndonesia hanya di RCTI!
סקרינז לייב - Screenz Live
Screenz Crossmedia
Screens Live: a platform for personal development